created more than 1750 creatives Increased Ad Concept Spend to 12,000,000+ Achieved IPM × Retention ×1.5 times


Redcell Games, a Canadian-based mobile game studio, rose to prominence with their debut title, Gold & Goblins, published by Appxem. The game quickly became a massive success, topping the charts as the highest-grossing Idle Tycoon game globally and in the US in 2022. Even years after its release, Gold & Goblins maintains its popularity. One key factor contributing to its commercial triumph is the renowned advertising creatives that captivated audiences worldwide. Let's delve into the fascinating narrative behind their conception.

The task was to enhance the app's popularity by implementing a strategy to scale its reach. This involved the creation of seven times the usual amount of creative content in order to achieve breakthrough hits for the gaming application. The objective was to diversify and amplify the appeal of the app through a variety of creative approaches, ultimately aiming for significant growth in its user base and engagement metrics.


Road to the Creative's Success

At first, our aim was to capitalize on the traction of a particular creative, GAGAPPQ-636. While it showed promising performance in user acquisition campaigns, it fell short of becoming a blockbuster hit.

Spend: ~$550,000

Developing The Concept

The 636th creation posed challenges with its complex scene dynamics. We identified three key areas for enhancement: intensifying emotional appeal, streamlining mechanics, and polishing visuals. We broke down the video into core components and focused on certain elements:

  • * Heightening emotional engagement
  • * Simplifying gameplay mechanics
  • * Enhancing visual aesthetics, including the breathtaking gorge setting, the main character, a treasure trove, and automated goblin-mining structures. After multiple revisions, we achieved a standout result with the 867th iteration.

The 867th Creative

GAGAPPQ-867 stands out as one of the top-performing assets within Gold & Goblins, reflecting the culmination of our strategic efforts over the past two years. Our method involves evaluating a creative's effectiveness in a trial through a composite metric that considers both its advertising appeal and its alignment with the game's essence - IPM multiplied by Retention.

IPM × Retention ×1.5 times

*during the test, compared to the 636th creative

Spend: $7,500,000+

*×13 times more than on 636th creative

The Initial Week After the Tests

Following the tests, we promptly initiated significant and minor enhancements. By elongating the duration of the creatives, we prolonged the sequences and occurrences.

Consequently, we established a new standard, presenting an elongated rendition of the 867th Creative, now spanning 45 seconds, known as GAGAPPQ-1088.

Spend: $4,000,000+


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