Increased Traffic by 42% Increased CONVERSION by 81% Reduced Decreased CPA BY 27%


Prodigy Education is dedicated to fostering a deep appreciation and comprehension of mathematics among students. By offering curriculum-aligned tools, insightful performance reports, and forming global partnerships, Prodigy Education equips parents, teachers, and schools with the resources they need to inspire a passion for learning in every child.

However, Prodigy Education faced a challenge in effectively managing and expanding their Facebook and YouTube advertising campaigns to enhance their conversion rates. Seeking expert guidance in this endeavor, they aimed to optimize their online presence and attract more individuals to embrace their educational platform.


We addressed hurdles and met goals through:

  • * Keyword Tapering: We employed a method of gradually reducing the number of keywords in our campaigns to enhance their relevance and effectiveness, ensuring better targeting and higher conversion rates.
  • * A/B Testing Ad Creative: Through systematic experimentation, we compared different versions of our ad creatives to identify the most impactful ones, refining our messaging and design to resonate better with our audience and drive higher engagement.
  • * Target Audiences: By precisely defining and segmenting our target audiences based on demographics, interests, and behaviors, we optimized our marketing efforts to reach the right people with the right message, resulting in increased relevance and improved ROI.
  • * Video Campaigns: Leveraging the power of video content, we crafted compelling campaigns to captivate our audience, convey our message more effectively, and drive higher levels of engagement and brand awareness, leveraging the visual medium to its fullest potential.


    Achieved an 81% Conversion Boost.


    27% rise in Website Traffic.


    CPA by an Impressive 42%

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